How to Improve Your Credit Score After Bankruptcy
After you get your bankruptcy discharge—the order stating that you no longer owe your debts—there are some simple things you can do to improve your credit score.
After you get your bankruptcy discharge—the order stating that you no longer owe your debts—there are some simple things you can do to improve your credit score.
Guest Post by Garden City, New York Bankruptcy Lawyer, Frank P. Pipitone As a new father, my 9-month-old son is teaching me lessons on a daily basis. Besides the crash course I am getting in child development, I have learned more about life, love and happiness in the last 9 months than all the previous…
Written by Charleston Bankruptcy Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott Bankruptcy is about new beginnings. It’s about fixing problems plaguing your financial life. But what happens next? How can you make sure your life improves and stays that way? Reinvent yourself Success depends largely on attitude. The attitude needed really depends on what caused your bankruptcy. Sometimes…
Written by Charleston Bankruptcy Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott Filing bankruptcy–in Charleston or anywhere else–means money is tight. Bankruptcy also gives the “honest but unfortunate debtor” a fresh start. Debts are discharged, and there’s a financial second chance. Part of that second chance for most folks is to come up with a budget. …