Written by Charleston Bankruptcy Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott
Filing bankruptcy–in Charleston or anywhere else–means money is tight. Bankruptcy also gives the “honest but unfortunate debtor” a fresh start. Debts are discharged, and there’s a financial second chance.
Part of that second chance for most folks is to come up with a budget. Learn to live off less. Get lean. It’s easier said than done, of course, but it’s necessary.
Coupons can help you start your new financial life
Even if you’ve always lived on a budget and didn’t file bankruptcy because of overspending, you can benefit from using coupons. Coupons can also help your chances of success in your Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan. And you’ll need it to make your payments–usually for five years. After all, the more you save on your food budget, the more you’ll have available for unexpected expenses that might arise during your plan.
I recently came across a very well-done site with tons of information about coupons and grocery store specials. The site is called “Southern Savers” and contains tips and videos done by “Jenny,” the site owner. Jenny’s a parent of three girls as I am. (I’m sure we could compare notes!) Any of you with children–girls or boys–know that they are, bless their hearts, little money pits. If you’ve got kids, you need all the financial tips you can get.
Southern Savers has tips about sales cycles, organizing coupons, add-on coupons, as well as details about how to maximize savings at various grocery store chains found in the South. The site is also user-friendly and beautifully designed.
Whether you have (or had) financial problems or not, take a look at this great site. You can subscribe to “Deals in Your Inbox” and find out about specials by email as they come available. I have and look forward to learning how to save more money.