Written by Charleston Bankruptcy Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott
As a bankruptcy lawyer, I–surprise, surprise–meet other bankruptcy lawyers. In fact, I meet other lawyers from all over the country. I’ve also come across other lawyer’s websites and blogs, and thought it might be helpful to my readers to pass along these resources.
Lex Rogerson is a Columbia, South Carolina bankruptcy lawyer. Lex is what I’d call a lawyer’s lawyer. He’s got an encyclopedic knowledge of bankruptcy law and is the “go to” guy for many of us here in South Carolina when we have a gnarly problem. He’s who I want to be when I grow up, but perhaps in a beardless version. Lex’s “Columbia Bankruptcy Blog” is well-written, authoritative, and hits on most major consumer bankruptcy topics.
Cathy Moran is the female equivalent of Lex Rogerson. Like me, she lacks a beard. She’s a bankruptcy lawyer in Mountain View, California. She pioneered legal blogging, and her site has hundreds of posts on bankruptcy topics. I’ve collaborated with her on cases, and she’s top notch. Check out her site, “Bankruptcy in Brief.” She’ll be the first to tell you that it doesn’t have a cool design. But on substance, it’s one of the best. She also publishes, “On the Soapbox,” which is about bankruptcy topics and has a less formal feel. It’s where she vents, so to speak. As she puts it, “Here, I allow myself strong opinions, rants, and musings on how I think bankruptcy should be.”
James Moroney is a Springfield, Missouri bankruptcy lawyer. His site, “Consumer Bankruptcy Tutor” is a treasure trove of information. Jim is at the stage in life–I’m guessing in his 60s–where he says pretty much whatever he wants. And he does that in his videos. I love Jim’s Midwestern, “tell-it-like-it-is,” populism. He’s on the side of the little guy, and you’ll figure that out pretty quickly. He doesn’t mince words, and his videos contain great information about bankruptcy. For a taste, check out “Betrayal, Power and Money: The Constitutional Right to Pursue Happiness.”
Jonathan Ginsberg is an Atlanta bankruptcy lawyer and owner of the “Atlanta BK Blog.” Jonathan, like Cathy Moran, was one of the first legal bloggers on the scene. His site, like Cathy’s, has hundreds of posts. And if you’re in Atlanta and have financial problems, go see Jonathan. He has a beard–sort of.
Dan Nunley is a bankruptcy lawyer in Tulsa, Oklahoma. His website and blog is attractive and full of bankruptcy information. Dan writes well, and you can tell he cares about folks with financial problems.
Craig Robins is a Long Island, New York bankruptcy lawyer. His blog, the “Long Island Bankruptcy Blog” is another visually attractive bankruptcy blog stuffed full of information.
Christine Wilton, like Cathy Moran, is a California bankruptcy lawyer. Christine is way down in Los Angeles, and her blog, “The Los Angeles Bankruptcy Law Monitor” is another great resource. Like Cathy Moran, Christine lacks a beard.
Jonathan Alper is an Orlando, Florida bankruptcy lawyer. His “Florida Bankruptcy Law Blog” has been around a long time, and is an outstanding resource. Jonathan writes about lesser-known bankruptcy issues. A recent example is his post, “Surrender of Property to Mortgage Lender Does Not Forfeit Homestead Exemption.”
The South Carolina Bankruptcy Lawyer Blog is written by myself and several other South Carolina bankruptcy lawyers–one of whom is Lex Rogerson. The site solely focuses on issues relevant to South Carolina consumer debtors and is a great resource, if I don’t say so myself.
And for our neighbors to the north in Canada, check out Doug Hoyes’ firm website, Hoyes Michalos. There, Canadians can learn about bankruptcy law, as well as other options, such as consumer proposals.
Last but not least, any list of consumer bankruptcy resources would have a gaping hole in it if it did not mention Bankruptcy Law Network. The site has over 5,000 blog posts. If you want to know about a particular bankruptcy issue, chances are you’ll find it on BLN. (And to check out my BLN posts, click here.)
These aren’t the only good bankruptcy resources, but they are certainly among the best.
Great resource of other fantastic bankruptcy lawyers. Good job Russ!
Damon Duncan