Written by Charleston Bankruptcy Lawyer, Russell A. DeMott
James Moroney’s bankruptcy site is a “must visit” if you need information about consumer bankruptcy. The site, consumerbankruptcytutor.com, is a sort of video equivalent of the Charleston Bankruptcy Blog.
Missouri attorney James Moroney explains bankruptcy basics in a multitude of videos–in fact, over seven hours of videos. I had to pick a list of “best ofs,” my personal favorites are the ones entitled, “Deciding Whether Bankruptcy is Right for You, in three parts:
- Part One: Betrayal, Power & Money: Constitutional Right to Pursue Happiness (My Personal Favorite)
- Part Two: Evil, Supreme Court Favorites, Morality, Unfair Debts, Default
- Part Three: Foreclosures, Who Gets a Bailout Loan, Myths and Morals
When you watch these videos, you figure out pretty quickly whose side James Moroney is on: The little guy’s. In addition to the excellent information on the site, I love the candor. (And I thought I was blunt!) He’s got “fire in the belly” and he says what he thinks. His candor is refreshing in an era of misinformation and spin.
Moroney explains the bankruptcy process from beginning to end for those “screwed by the American economic system” with the passion of a true Missouri populist. His focus on real people, their marriages, families, and well-being is refreshing. It’s the same focus I have with my clients, and a theme I keep coming back to: your family must be your focus, your health must be your focus, your marriage must be your focus.
Visa and MasterCard make piles of money. It’s a numbers game. And corporate American never hesitates to file bankruptcy when it can take advantage of the bankruptcy laws. Yet when individuals want to file, the “Big Boys” put you on a guilt trip. And they whine to the federal government. They talk about “bankruptcy taxes” and other lies. Then they buy your Congressman by making millions and millions of dollars of contributions to pro-business political action committees (called PACs). For all their millions, the prize was the ability to write the new 2005 Bankruptcy Code. It’s a mess. It’s their fault it’s a mess, and it’s our government’s fault it’s a mess. It’s a disgrace that the U.S. government allowed this to happen.
And yet some feel guilty because they chose to put the well-being of their families over Visa and MasterCard. Even the bankruptcy judges were locked out of the process. Really? Yes, go ahead and ask one. Their input was unwanted because “they were part of the problem.” You see, some of them actually care about those who appear in their courtrooms.
But don’t take it from me. Go to James Moroney’s site. It’s a treasure trove of information.